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Friends of Frensham Churches

Friends of Frensham Churches (FOFC) was formed in 2018 to help the Parochial Church Council (PCC) with the upkeep of St Mary the Virgin in Frensham and The Good Shepherd in Dockenfield.  We wish to ensure that that these historic buildings, their contents and facilities continue to be focal points of social cohesion for the local community for generations to come.

FOFC is a registered charity with the Charity Commission (No. 1190116).  All contributions to FOFC are used entirely for the purpose of repair and maintenance of the buildings and their contents, and not for the religious mission of the Church. 

The day to day running of FOFC is by a board of Trustees, who are listed below and they approve the payment of grants to The Benefice of Frensham PCC as and when appropriate.  All member contributions are ring fenced solely for the purpose of the upkeep of the fabric, facilities and contents of the churches.


Since FOFC was established in 2018, funds raised have enabled grants of £13,800 to the PCC to assist with the St. Mary’s bells refurbishment, replacement of the pews with chairs in the Good Shepherd and essential repairs to St. Mary’s church roof. The object of the charity is to be able to grant at least £3,000 to the PCC for qualifying purposes each year.

We all need Friends!

We need your help and everyone is welcome to become a Friend of Frensham Churches - local residents, past residents, visitors and anyone who feels a special affinity to these historic buildings and would like to help preserve them for future generations to enjoy.

Becoming a Friend

As a Friend of Frensham Churches you will be making a valued contribution.  You will receive a membership certificate and each year a Friends newsletter, Annual Report and invitation to the Annual General Meeting of supporters as well as a social gathering. Additionally, you will have first access to tickets for fundraising events. We aim to hold at least one large and unique event every year.


An annual subscription will make a real difference as we build a fund together for the future.  There is the option of Lifetime or Founder membership.  The fees are:

  • £15 Annual (single)

  • £25 Annual (couple/family)

  • £150 Life (single)

  • £250 Life (couple/family)

  • £1,000 Foundation member (please note that this membership is made up of £150/ £250 membership plus a donation of £850/£750)


All funds raised via Life or Foundation memberships are ring-fenced and are used to generate funds via investments, which build over time allowing us to fulfil grants to help with the upkeep of our churches. Annual memberships contribute to grant funding, not to investments.


Subscriptions can be paid by Standing Order, Bank Transfer or cheque.  And if you are a UK taxpayer you can also Gift Aid your donation so that FOFC receive even more from your generous subscription.  Should you wish to join, you can download a form here.

Wills and Donations

We would encourage anyone with a local connection to consider making a donation in memory of someone dear to them or leaving a bequest in their will.

Management and Communications

Maintaining these beautiful buildings is a major commitment and one that needs the support of all those that care for their future.  We need your help.

The trustees are:


  • Roger Holmes (Chair)

  • Simon Claiden (Treasurer)

  • Eunice King (Secretary) please click here to email

  • Max Hadfield

  • Tim Merricks

  • Pat Telfer

  • Revd Jane Walker

  • Tony White

A leaflet is available to download here or you will find printed copies in both churches.  Should you wish to join please download this form and send it to FOFC c/o The Parish Office, The Vicarage, Frensham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 3DT or save and email directly to Eunice King.

FOFC Charity No:  1190116

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Frensham Churches

The Benefice of Frensham

The Vicarage, The Street, Frensham, Surrey, GU10 3DT

01252 792137

Charity Number 1173223

©2023 by Frensham Churches.

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