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Friends of Frensham Churches

Friday 27 September - 7pm​

Supporting the maintenance of your Parish churches​

Go wild in Frensham and Dockenfield!

Our hosts are generously creating some wonderful menus for you to enjoy, including drinks; 100% of your ticket price will go directly to helping FOFC to maintain our beautiful churches.


Begin with the starter at your first host's house, jump in your car and head for main course at your second host's house and then drive back to St. Mary's church hall in Frensham for more drinks, desserts and coffee. Tickets £40 per head via Eventbrite or in person from Eunice King (see her most Sundays in church).


Note: Once you have purchased your ticket, we will be in touch to check any dietary requirements and if you require specific access to your host's home. Then we will contact you again with the details of your hosts' addresses and timings for the evening.


We look forward to welcoming you to this wonderful social evening!


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